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Fantastic game. Each of the girls have a unique personality and even "accents", something I've never seen before in an AVN. The humor and animations are incredible. Definitely following this and look forward to future updates.

Sasha is adorable in her glasses, I wish more outfits had them!


Ahaa, thanks. I try my best to represent the different nationalities as actually different rather than just "This girl is from X, that means she looks like this."

Sasha is one of my favourites. Definitely my favourite of the side stories overall, since I love her ghost hunting stuff. It's funny though, she actually causes issues with the accents and all that you mentioned, because a Russian translation is being worked on for the game at the moment, and the guy is having some difficulty trying to work out how to translate the fact she speaks broken English, but perfect Russian, into Russian. I don't envy his task, for it is complicated. He faces a unique challenge not necessarily faced by other translators, but I'm sure he's up to the task.


I am 100% behind leaving the story board images instead of renders for the Directory talking to the three girls.

(1 edit)

Damn, just finished the current content and I've gotta say, its instantly one of the greats. It seems like the development is taking quite some time, but considering the nearly ridiculous quality, that makes complete sense.

And I do mean quality, on all fronts. The artstyle is very well done, character design is great, but it's the writing and charm that make it a gem. Dialogue is well written, jokes (both in character and more physical/visual comedy) get consistent chuckles, and the story is actually quite intriguing. Elements like the ghost hunting segment, that take quite a bit of commitment to a certain tone, are also done really well, and add a lot to the games identity. The treatment of sexuality, identity and morality is also something that can really hamper my enjoyment of a vn, wether it is disrespectful or borderline sociopathic, as can be seen in a lot of adult vn's, but this game handles it really well. Obviously it differs for the slave route, I've been playing as mr nice guy mostly, but still its nice to get characters with actual moral convictions, who have their own wants and desires.

All in all, a 9/10, and only not a 10 because there's still so much I want to see. A gold star to the developer from me, and I'll be keeping my eye on this.

Ahaa, thanks man. I love reading stuff like this because it makes specific note of a lot of the things I'm putting specific effort into, rather than just "Great game" (Which is also nice, but it's extra nice to hear that the little details don't go unnoticed).

I try my best to make sure that when it comes to the characters themselves, I treat them as people rather than characters. I've been told it's a strange writing decision because it can sometimes result in characters doing things that some people think takes away from a story, but I'm not really trying to write them as parts of a story, but instead just people who exist within it. It's hard to explain really. Granted, it's a porn game, so when it comes to sexuality especially there may be some fairly silly stuff coming, but I'm trying to strike a balance between believability, realism, and porn game nonsense. It tends to lean a bit towards that last one in the sub and slave routes, but I suppose there's no way to get that kind of stuff totally realistic without it moving very very slowly (Or it getting darker than I'm willing to go with the game)

Regardless, more to come. In fact, there's another update that should release here on the 11th. It's a very short update compared to the last one (Christmas and all that delayed things a bunch) but still, new stuff. Woooo

Just to be clear, there's no ntr right??? Just clarifying since I didn't see something say that explicitly, thanks.


No NTR. There is potential for girl on girl content that doesn't include the MC, but you literally have to give the girls permission to do it so if you don't wanna allow that you just say no when the time comes. However, a couple of the girls have previous sexual history which isn't entirely ignored. I only mention this because there's often some overlap between people who are concerned about the potential presence of NTR, and those who are concerned about the girls having had previous sexual partners. 

Awesome, thanks for the info, also noticed and appreciated the option to remove their past encounters if desired, give people the option in stead of just forcing one thing or another, keep up the awesome work, one of the better avns I've played and am always looking for future content, hopefully soon I'll have the funds to support the project since I thoroughly enjoy it.

Hah, many thanks for the kind words. To be clear though, whilst you can remove their historical stats, this doesn't affect the girls occasionally talking about previous stuff if it's relevant. I don't make a big deal about it generally, I just don't have the characters pretend they don't have a past if they actually do, even if the stats are wiped. I generally don't count previous relationships as NTR unless it's actually shown in the game, and I don't have any plans to ever depict the girls doing anything sexual or romantic with anyone other than MC, or each other if the player pushes things in that direction. The game is generally set up to stroke MC's ego so usually any time a girl's sexual past comes up, it's done to provide context to why they like MC so much or whatever. E.G. "Nobody has ever made me cum that hard before" etc etc. Implies someone tried, but that MC is better. Doesn't come up often though.


I agree, imo past relationships aren't ntr  you literally weren't involved at that point so yeah, but I know some people might, but either way, as I said before, keep up the work, loving it so far and looking forward to more content to come, stay blessed king.


Will this game have a android version in the near future?


Just played Stormside and wow what a great game so far. Its up there with Eternum and Harem Hotel as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait for the next update.

Honestly can't wait for full release this game is being show lots of love and care by the developers. I have some feedback to give for example it would be great to choose each girls punishment and for how long it should be. I understand the point is to punish depending on the offense, so basically give us options within the limit of the offense. I love this game and the idea and can't wait to play the full release. Thank you. 

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I have a lot of good things to say about this game. With only one subjective complaint. 

1st of all, your attention to detail SHOWS. As someone in the media production world myself, I can see all the little extra bits and pieces you put into each scene and it makes the world feel so much more alive.  This is the kind of quality that you only see in the most top tier Visual Novels.

2nd, the character are so wonderful, and there are so many wholesome, intimate, and even romantic moments in the game.  At times, it really feels like I am actually cuddled up with a girl who truly loves me. And that's and really impressive feat.

3rd, the game is FUN. I love how much variety there is in the game play. You never really know what each day will have in store for you and that keeps the game so interesting.

(Minor spoiler warning ahead)

My only disappointment is a personal preference, so I don't detract anything from you for it. But (minor spoiler ahead), I really don't like being forced to watch my girls go out and buy sex toys for themselves. Especially since it's the most innocent girls. And even more specifically that the MC doesn't go with them to do it.  It just feels like the MC is getting cucked by the sex toys, instead of letting the girls explore their sexuality with the MC.  I wish there was at least a way to avoid that.  But again, it's impossible to please everyone, and I don't expect it to be tailored to my tastes.  I was just hoping since we could opt out of so many other things in the game, that we could opt out of our girls going to buy sex toys too. 

Alas, that is very minor in the grand scheme of things, and honestly it goes to show how well you've written the characters, that I've become so emotionally invested in these things.  

For anyone yet to play the game, I HIGHLY recommend playing it. It's one of the very best I've played (and I have played tons). So good, that I had to come write a comment about it (which I almost never do).

Cheers, and keep up the good work friend.

Thanks for the many kind words :D I'm trying my best to put little extra things in because honestly it's just pretty fun to do. 

Regarding the part you didn't like (And so minor spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't played yet...)

Yeah that's understandable, and will be up to the person. The reason I did it this was was really just that I personally don't care much for the "Everything must be with MC" kinda thing. I'm definitely not into having other guys get with the girls, but I didn't want to limit the sexual stuff to just whatever happens between MC and the girls. I'm also not really someone who cares about virginity or whatever, so to me a girl just having some fun with some toys is no big deal. There are a few reasons I've chosen to leave MC out of the sex toy stuff, and I can't go into all of them without future spoilers but I can explain that one of them is to give the less experienced girls some sort of baseline to allow them to realise that MC is much better than any toy. It's a power fantasy at the end of the day, but not one that focuses on virginity, despite most of the girls being virgins.

Anyway, long rambling explanation which could probably just be replaced by "I think it's hot" aside, I'm glad you've enjoyed the game xD

I appreciate you taking the time to give such a detailed reply! And please don't let my personal gripes discourage you in any way.  I think you're doing a wonderful job and can't wait to play more in the future.  I hear where you're coming from with the girls' "baseline" reasoning and can understand why you chose that route.  There are many complexities to writing a story and I respect the effort it takes to lay the foundation to set up moments like the "Holy shit you dick is way bigger than my toy" type moments.  And at the end of the day, lets be real: your version is far more realistic haha.  Keep up the good work buddy.



I'm really enjoying the game so far. I made an account just to comment and let you know. Hey, you asked! :)

Great story, lengthy, lots of routes to play with, hilarious scenes (I seriously LOL'd @ Hikari's pushup), variation in character personalities, the sound work, and random animations (e.g. Cassie's eyes in fitting room) are a really nice touch. 

The game checks a lot of my fetish boxes. I can't wait until they all have collars! Especially Olivia & Akemi, I'm looking forward to them losing their protection.

LOTS of possibilities with ghost hands also. I mean, you could tease/play with all the girls while sitting in class and no one would be the wiser. They'd think it was just the collars...

You just hinted at the clandestine stuff, so it'll be interesting to see where you take that.

I went easy mode on the ghost hunt, glad you gave that option. I went through it on the first run through just to see what it was like. The mouseover on the saves and choices was a really nice addition also.

I did have some weird frame overlapping with Riley on the bed, not sure if it was just me though. I tried to find it so I could grab a screenshot for you, but I can't find it again, not sure which path I took to get there.

I just started out looking at adult VN games recently, out of about 30+ that looked promising, this is the best of what I've played.  So well done and keep up the awesome work!

Heh, thanks. I'm glad you've been enjoying the game ;D It's certainly high praise for this to be the best you've tried, though without knowing what else you've played I don't know exactly how flattered to be xD. I will just accept maximum flattery.

Regarding the overlapping issue, was it something like Riley's face being cut out and being layered over another image in the wrong place? If so, I know exactly why this happens, and why you weren't able to reproduce it the second time.

Also I'm glad you liked the pushup. I was pretty happy with that scene when I made it, heh.


As I mentioned, I just started going through VN's, I saw discussion of Headmaster in the comments here are started messing around with that today. It has promise, but I still think I like Stormside better at this point. The other 2 to round out my top 3 have been Lunars Chosen, and Red Sakura Mansion1&2(yes I lumped them together), they're a bit different however, and I'm not sure if that helps, but take all the flattery you'd like. 

Per the overlapping issue, yes, it was her face being cut out and layered, sounds like you know about it already. 

Thanks again, looking forward to seeing where the story goes!


Good game so far. Good animations, and I loved the section with the ghost (even if it took me an hour to complete). Story is more legible than other games with this similar art style, flows more smoothly. Also, small detail, I like how there's other guys in the story, both major and minor characters. A lot of games just say "yeah, only you and several girls in this universe", so its a nice addition.

Thanks, sorry for the late response, but I appreciate it :D


If there is one feedback I can give you... You need a better thumbnail. Im not even sure why I clicked on this. Love the game! Doesn't stick out at all.


Amusingly, my analytics suggest otherwise. Recently changed it to what it is, and ctr quadrupled. People seem to see ass and click on it. Turns out there's a reason all the icons look like this.

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I mean... What was it before that? But good for you! It's just... It looks like every other 3D-Novel out here. Which it is not... Did it really quadrupled?


I believe it was what's currently the banner at the top of the page


I clicked because of the thumbnail. But for reason it actually looked well posed and rendered. Good lighting and such.

Just found the game and am lovin it. Do you have expected release windows for versions, or are the version updates more sporadic


Great game. Absolutely loved it.

Not only does it have good render's and a good story (at least for these kinda games) it also presents itself in an interesting way and has its own charm (like the push-up scene with Hikari for example or that you can kinda play phasmophobia in the game). In general, you can just feel how much work flows into it and how much Atemsiel cares about the game. 

Looking forward to further updates. Well done

google drive dosent work and mega wantsyou to pay for more usage when download is half done any other links?

Here's a gofile link. No idea if they have a download limit but it's the last of my 3 official sources. Sadly there are basically no hosts I'm aware of with totally unrestricted downloads who achieve and sort of acceptable upload speed.

So is there any chance of getting an android port?

Not any time soon.
By default android ports of ren'py games have a 2GB filesize limit, so the game is already several times too big to be converted. I'd also have to do a lot of changes to the menus to make them actually usable on a phone screen. However, I do hear that Joiplay works for the game if you wanna try using that. Only on the latest Joiplay version though, which you can apparently get from the website as the version on the app store is out of date.

will the compressed version work for Joiplay or I have to download the 6 gb pc file?

If you can find a compressed version I can't think of any reason why it would work any differently to the normal version with joiplay. Worth noting though that I haven't personally tested the game with joiplay, nor have I tested any compressed versions. They'll probably work, all I'm saying is that I haven't tried it myself.

I downloaded a compressed version in f95zone.It worked in Joiplay.I am enjoying the game up until now

(2 edits)

The ghost hunting part seems just bad.  I'm in the office, and there's literally nothing to interact with - I can't move back, for reasons that are unclear.  There are no doors.  There are a bunch of desks with open drawers and papers and books on top I can't interact with, fans I can't interact with, windows I can't interact with, lights I can't interact with.  The hints seem to indicate this is where I should be (which is good, since I can't actually move anywhere from here, since, like I said, there's mysteriously no way to go back), but there is literally nothing that's interactive.  I've tried carefully moving the mouse over the entire screen.  No option on the radio lets me do anything useful, unless I know the ghost's name.  Otherwise, I've really been enjoying the game, but my god - there are no visual clues for what the heck I should be clicking on.

And it turns out that there was some bug making nothing interactive at that point.  Restarting and reloading before the section fixed it, but it was quite non-obvious that I was running into a bug.

Heh, yeah the ghost hunt gets very mixed reviews. Some people have no issue with it and love it, while others find it impossible to navigate and hate it. It's why I put the linear version in for people who don't wanna deal with the sandbox. In that room it's meant to be the case that the EMF meter goes off when you move the mouse over something you can interact with, so you find it while you're looking around the room with the flashlight. If the whole room was bugged though then I guess that's not gonna work.

The good news is that I seem to remember having this reported a few months ago, and I'm fairly sure I fixed it. However, the fix won't be coming out until the next update in a few weeks.

Yea, the whole room was bugged - the edges of the screen (to look left/leave) didn't highlight and weren't clickable, and pretty sure I clicked on what I was supposed to as well.

Anyhow, sorry I was so harsh with my first post - it's clear you've put a lot of work into the game, and I think it's consistently really well written, and graphics are great.  It's an impressive game.  Was just frustrated at the time.

Oh it's no problem. That section isn't something I'm totally happy with, but going back to "fix" it entirely would basically mean redoing it, and to do that I'd have to take time away from making new content. So instead I just made the VN version of it that people can play if they don't wanna deal with the sandbox. Compared to some of the feedback I got on it, your comment was basically complementary xD

I had one guy claim he spent 3 hours in there trying to work out what to do, and instead of just either using the skip option or stopping playing, he wrote me an essay about why I'm a terrible person lol.

(1 edit)

Just completed one branch of 22.06 and like basically everything about the game. The animations are topnotch imho .. (the fight for 1 pushup was especailly funny), but i laughed out loud quite a few times. Nice variations in the personalities of the girls (from shy to downright spunky :-) and none of the utterly excessive chest sizes seen in other games. 

Heh, glad you like it ;D

0.22 was the update where I decided to start putting more effort into the animations, and should serve as the new standard for my game at least. It's pretty fun to make dumb stuff like the pushup thing, or Cassie spinning all her clothes off, so I'll keep doing that.

the animations not working from Rileys alone time on it stays on a pitcher and goes threw to the end of the scene

Do you have a save file you can send me on discord or something? I'm unsure what could be causing that based on the description.

Love the game so far - despite a non "realistic" art style, everything looks really beautiful! And the story is solid as well. 

But goddamn these branching paths are insanely complicated. A third of the gallery is all one character's branch - and not just by route, but by subchoices on a route. It's cool and all, but there's only so many ways I can read the same scene variation before my carpal tunnel flares up.  Can you just streamline all of Riley's scenes into one continuous sequence over the course of the game?

Not easily. The point of the branching is to include the different ways things could play out based on choices, so putting all of Riley's content into branch would basically make no sense at all. She'd lose her virginity multiple times, give her first BJ multiple times, refer to events that didn't occur, or ignore events that did occur. It's kinda just the way the game is. It's not really built for the FOMO crowd, and is intended for multiple playthroughs. Once the game is done this should be an easier sell as the amount of content should mean that just one route has enough content for people to be satisfied. I hear this is a fairly different way of structuring one of these games, but it's how I've decided to do it based on what I wanted the game to be.

(1 edit) (+1)

Do you have any plans to add a platform for Android? I'm very curious about the game you developed. I was interested in your game when I read all the character identities. I'm very interested in Sasha Volkova. I want to play the game immediately but I don't have iOS or PC so I'll wait for you to add it to Android. Thank You 

Not currently. By default android ports of ren'py games have a 2GB filesize limit, so the game is already several times too big to be converted. I'd also have to do a lot of changes to the menus to make them actually usable on a phone screen. However, I do hear that Joiplay works for the game if you wanna try using that. Only on the latest Joiplay version though, which you can apparently get from the website as the version on the app store is out of date.

I can try using joyplay, I have used it for various games, maybe I will try that first if it doesn't work then I plan to buy a PC or iOS to explore games that don't support the Android platform. Thank you for replying to my message have a nice day. 


Atemsiel. That ghost hunting part was awesome. I didn't expect the sandbox to be so detailed. It was like a completely different game!

Hah, glad you liked it. That section gets very mixed reviews, as some people have no problem navigating it, and others are totally unable to. Not completely sure why. Regardless, it was essentially a test to see if I could make something like that, with flashlight activated jumpscares and stuff. Sasha's story heavily revolves around that sort of stuff, so this won't be the last ghost hunt. Though the next one will have a VN version in it from the start instead of getting one almost a year later, and the sandbox version will work differently from the first one.

Hello Mr. Atemsiel. It's me again. I hope you remember me from my last really long comment a few months ago. I have just finished palying the current version of the game. I unlocked everything there is to unlock and got possibly every combination of choices i could think of. I have to say, my opinion of this game just keeps improving as the updates come.

I don't have much criticism this time around. Just one comment and two questions.

I really like your style of writing. The highlight of this update for me was the scene in which Olivia is getting pestered by Ashley and Paige. So far Olivia has been portrayed as an incredible bitch that is just a pain to be around. But in this scene we get to see her in her backfoot and being kinda of uncomfortable. It really does a lot to expand her character. I think one of the hallmarks of good writing is multifaceted characters. People aren't one dimensional and no one fits nicely into any specific box, so it's nice when characters in fiction are the same way.

What is the planned scope for the game? and how far along would you say it is, percentage wise? The game is already quite long (in terms of duration) and big (in terms of content) but where the story is right now, it makes me think we're not even a third of the way done. So how long is this supposed to be?

And last i wanted to formerly ask for a feature (which might be really hard to implement). And that is the possibility to jump to any point of the story and be able to choose all of the choices you could've made up to this point. Maybe like a screen with all the different choices that have happened up to that point and you could just pick the answers. The way the game is right now, it's really annoying to sometimes have to go back the entire game, sometimes, just to get a scene on a progression path i would otherwise have no interest on. And while this might be because the game is not finished, it kinda just wastes a lot of time with me just holding the CTRL key down to skip all the stuff i've seen already, just to get to the one part where i get to make a different choice. While this can be, and is, alleviated by having name saves, it still is a problem when one progression path relies on multiple choices. So if i have a save at one choice, but i needed to have made a different choice earlier and i don't have a save for that, i still need to go back all the way and skip through stuff.

But anyway that's all from me. Thanks for reading all the way.

Also when does 22.07 drop? 👀

Hi there, sorry for the late response.

I'm glad you like the scene with Olivia. She's probably one of my favourite characters simply due to her being a super bitch, which makes her fun to write, but that would get old quick if that were all she was. She's gonna be fun for me.

Scope is a bit nuts. I have no idea percentage wise but assuming I can afford to do so, I expect I'll be making this for quite some years yet. When I started making it I didn't start with "I want to make adult games" in mind. Instead it was more like "I want to make this game" and basically put my all into it. One of the goals for it is I want it to have a fairly ridiculous amount of content by the time it's done. The actual midgame starts once you're on a route with all the girls, so right now we're still in the early game. It won't be a quick game to make at all.

With regard to your feature request, while technically possible I expect it would be a massive pain to actually include just based on the way the game is actually built. I'd have to restructure a lot of it to make the feature work, when in theory the only people using it would be people who want to see all the scenes, but aren't aware that there's a gallery unlocker right at the end. The game isn't really designed with the FOMO crowd in mind, and is instead intended for multiple playthroughs once it's done. I might include a feature like this at some point, but not while I'm still putting all of my available time into making the actual content.

There's no 0.22.07 due to the new versioning. Instead, next update is 0.23.1 which was meant to be released in December. Unfortunately, life happens, so the update didn't. I'm hoping to get it released to patrons later this month. Finishing off the last sex scene for it now, and then I have various things to fix and polish. It's as shorter update than the last one because updates are now being split into smaller updates with detailed changelogs so people can decide whether it's worth it for them to play and update, or wait for the next one.


Some vn authors really are out there giving the mc's the most depressing back stories just for them to turn all the women in a school into sex slaves bruh


Certainly does help reduce the amount of messages I get asking when MC is gonna bang his own mother though.


welp with his mother out of the way, when will his sister that has been locked away since birth because of a super misterious superpower, get introduced and how long will it take till we can fuck her?


I really enjoy the humour in this game, can't wait for the update

Would this work in the joiplay app for android?


Love it can't wait for next update

Cant install for some reason sadly... was really looking forward to this game

try re downloading it, worked for me after that.

可以弄一个安卓版本吗  谢谢你   很喜欢这种类型

can you and a itch app compatible download


W Game so far! Hikari trying to do a pushup was funny asf. 

Keep up the good work :D

I can't open the character bios and I'm too stupid to understand Ren'Py :(


This usually only happens if you're using a save that was made prior to 0.22. However, once the 0.22 content starts (At the start of day 11) it will fix itself. If this describes your situation, then you'll either need to basically just not use the character profile screen until the morning of day 11, or start a new save.

Oh, okay, thanks :) That's pretty much my case. I started playing 0.21 and then I noticed there's a 0.22 already so I continued there

(1 edit)

i cant extract game it says its invalid im on pc

never mind fixed it somehow lol


"Enjoy the game, and if you like it, please consider subscribing to my Patreon. Or don't. Times are tough right now (written in 2022, let's hope things get better.)

(Update in 2023, things did not get better, good god)"



Hope everything goes smoothly here on out. This game sounds similar to this other game hope its giod


Love the variety in how the girls look, but it feels kinda surface-level. Like, they all seem to have the exact same body type... Now, I'm not gonna say "where's the muscles and fat girls," since I know that can be difficult for a lot of artists, but it just would've been nice to see a greater variety in breast size and butt or hips.

That said, this is a great inclusion of nuances in scenes mattering and casual LGBT identities. <3


Heh, yeah this is intentional. It's not really intended as a "something for everyone" game, but rather a game intended for people who like the same stuff as me. This is why all the girls are 18 to mid 20s, slim, relatively short with small to what I'd call "realistically large breasts". (Sasha and Taliya really. Not massive chests, but I think it would be wrong to call them medium)

 I prefer to try to differentiate the characters through their personalities, though how successfully I do that is up for debate.


Hey, understandable. I'm an erotic writer and my preference is big booba (despite being flat-chested myself). When I write more two-person romance stuff, I tend to stick to a curvy, busty leading lady. But when I write a larger cast, I try to give more variety both because it helps me differentiate the characters better and because I can write more variety of scenes involving things that might be unique to the different body types. But that's just what I do, and what I prefer, and I would never begrudge anyone for writing or creating what they like or are comfortable with.

And hey, props to you for properly recognizing the concept that is "medium-sized breasts."


Android pls


Android version please?!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Any plans for a android version? Would love to try it.

EDIT: ended up playing it on my pc. I can see why there is no android version. But all that aside the game looks great and i like the humor. Also just love how chill the dad is.


Great game, and I will say, I really like your casual inclusion of LGBT+ identities, with Cassie being openly bisexual and Riley being demisexual. As a queer person myself, I think you did a really good job with those inclusions, so a big thumbs up there. It's definitely a top notch VN regardless, but those aspects being so well handled is an even bigger bump in my personal enjoyment of the game.


Glad you liked it, it's always gonna be a bit of a contentious matter regarding the handling of that sort of stuff, given it's a porn game and it's very easy to slip into the realm of fetishisation rather than representation. I'm essentially trying to do both. I wanted lesbian scenes in the game, but figured that if I was gonna do it, I have to at least have it make some sense by having the characters actually identify such that they would be into it. The important thing for me is that characters who are something, are still that thing even if they player makes choices that result in it not really being explored. The exception to this is that because it's a porn game, it's likely that if the player pushes the plot in this direction, the canonically straight girls will end up not so straight. This is of course ridiculous by real world standards, but it's a porn game, and doing this means I can have a lot more scene variety and potentially interesting relationship dynamics between the characters, so whatever.

I generally just wanna try to be as respectful as I can to any nationalities or sexual orientations I happen to include, whilst keeping it very much in the realm of dumb porn game logic. That is to say, we're probably not gonna be seeing Sasha riding around on a bear drinking vodka, and we're probably not gonna see any non straight characters suddenly turn fully straight due to exposure to MC's magic protagonist dick or whatever. I wanna at least keep it somewhat consistent.

Well, from my point of view, you're succeeding at that goal so far. So good job there. 👍

You've done a great job, honestly. It didn't feel forced or pushed down your throat or anything of the sort, it was just .. there. Like a normal thing, which it is. Didn't distract from the main story, didn't take up 3 plot lines to cover, it was just a thing. 

Very good so far. Good characters, great dialogue, SUPERB goofy comedy (very big W) and the story seems interesting so far. Im also surprised by how similar it sounded to The Headmaster, Yet how it was very different (in a great way). I hate when these games make you act like the bad guy or make you do something stupid, so being able to NOT do some things is a huge win for me personally. Dont like seeing the MC's face but other than that? Great game. (p.s *spoiler*.............................................................................................................. Great now could we get more ghost hunting? i actually really liked that part, very spooky scary)

Hah, thanks man. The game was always kinda intended to be like how the headmaster would be if I were making it. I love the concept, but I'd have made many changes if it were me, so here we have Stormside. I figured there would be no point in making a game that was just the same thing, because if that's what I wanted, then I might as well just play the Headmaster. MC's face is something I would likely remove if I were making certain parts of the game again, but instead I'm just showing it less from now on. And yes, more ghost hunts on the way. The next one is planned to be more extensive than the previous, though I don't know exactly when that'll be coming out. Glad you liked it :D

(2 edits)

The game's plot develops very quickly, and content appears very often and in unexpected places. And it is often very original and interesting. And there is a lot of content, I played 18 hours, and if you judge by the gallery, I only completed 40% (but I read slowly). I recommend 👍

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