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ok ph. Your character seems nice though. Actually I'm making one same kind of game  myself lol...


Actually kind of incredible. The game seems far from being finished, but even so it's probably one of the best of these types of games I've played. Looking forward to future updates.


Wow I've stumbled onto a real gem here.  My only problem with the game is that we see the mc which kind of ruins the immersion for me, any chance well get an option to change that in the future? The amount of choices and quality of life options we already get are great so this would be the icing on the cake. Other than that though great job man and I'm exited to see where this game will go :) 


Unlikely that the 3rd person perspective will be removed simply because it allows for more interesting camera angles, and also half the sex scenes are almost unwatchable in first person in this case. However, I decided a couple versions ago to significantly reduce how often his face shows up the way it does near the start of the game (It does still show up sometimes though). If I had time, there are many things I'd change about the start of the game, but I prefer to spend the time I have on making new stuff instead. But yeah, sometimes I gotta use 3rd person for sex scenes some positions really just don't look very good at all in first person. Like imagine a pronebone where MC has the girl in basically a chokehold. Your view would be like, maybe an extreme closeup of the back of her head or something. It's also useful for when MC is doing something that requires him to be behind a girl, but I wanna show the girl's face for whatever reason. So yeah, it's not likely to be a feature I add, sorry about that.

That aside, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest :D
More choices and probably quality of life stuff on the way in future versions too. Currently working on a way to let people filter save files based on which route you're on in that save. The same way the scene gallery filter works, except it'll be like "Show me all saves where I'm on Hikari's Romance route, but Riley's Submission route". Considering how many options there are, I wanna make it as easy as possible for people who like to experience everything to keep their saves organised. For now, we just have the save hover thing.

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Yeah that makes sense. In fairness I don't mind when I just see the back or side of his head, Its just the close ups of his face which are slightly annoying in my opinion, but good to hear that it will be less frequent. 

Also having saves separated by playthrough would be awesome, I wish more games did that. There's already so many quality of life features which are fantastic though. I really like how much description there is for the choices. And the option to remove lesbian content is a great feature. The more options the better so everyone can enjoy. Great to see a dev that really cares about their game :) 

I play a lot of these kinda games, and more often than not I find myself disappointed. This however is not one of those times. Character designs, animations, sound, my guy you have nailed them all. story and setting is a tiny bit on the weak side but given the plot I totally get it. I see much potential for this to be something even more awesome in future, and i honestly cant wait till you complete the project. honestly i wish i had found it once you were done cuz id probably have finished it in one sitting lol. job very very well done bud, cant wait to see what the future holds


Hah, thanks man :D The whole point of the game when I started making it was to make a game that was basically the sort of thing I already liked, just with none of the stuff I don't like. Namely, lack of animation, sound, choice. All that stuff. I figured it couldn't be all that hard to do, so I just decided to try it. I was right, it isn't that hard technically, but it does take ages.... I have no idea how devs who are making multiple games at the same time do it. Just one is plenty lol.

I like the whole punishment school thing, so kinda just wanted to do my version of it. Originally this was just gonna be a fuckfest game, so I didn't even really have a plan for a main plot or whatever, but I found after the first release that I kinda wanted to change that, so I made one up. Turns out writing is pretty fun, lots of fun stuff planned.

Glad you enjoyed!

Hi there,

Great game so far. Any plans of adding more to sex stats? Maybe a count of how many times they have been fingered or received cunnilingus?  Or even a count of how many lesbian encounters they have had?

No current plans. When I first implemented them it was because I just figured it might be fun, but then I decided to implement them into the gameplay itself. Despite how obviously BS the science behind the collars and chips must be, I think I kinda set myself a limit for what would actually be recorded with them. I didn't really want it to get too specific. Plus, it's kinda nuts how much people read into these stats so if I were to add new ones I'd have to think about historical data. I don't really wanna deal with people losing their minds over things that happened before the game again, so for the most part I just let players fill in the gaps themselves or with context provided by the game. (Such as the Riley/Cassie stuff. You don't know how many times they've fooled about in the past, but it also doesn't really matter.)

Fair enough. I just figured the lesbian counter would be kind of hot or could possibly lead into more story content. Like if one of the characters had a number, then it could be something we question and lead into a girl's background story, like if they had a previous girlfriend or something.

Didn't realize people had problems with the stats when they could just erase it when they get a new phone. Thanks for the answer though.

Yeahhhhh it's a little nuts to me how hung up on the fine details some people get. That's not the only reason though. It's also a UI thing. Adding more would mean reconfiguring the UI somewhat because making the font smaller would make it quite hard to read imo. With regard to the lesbian thing specifically, I prefer to have that sort of thing come up through the story. I don't really like to label characters as potentially lesbian or bisexual just for porn game reasons. Instead, there's gotta be a plan for why they swing that way from a story perspective. It's hard to explain without spoilers, but basically I don't really want to treat bisexuality as a fetish, instead I just want to feature any characters who happen to not be straight just as characters who happen to be that way, and portray that aspect of them when needed outside of just using it as a justification for lesbian content. Easier said than done since I'm not a writer, but it's what I want to do long term anyway. Whilst I do think it's fun to give little bits of story through the sexual stats, I don't want to form too complete of a picture with them, or at least not yet. Who knows for future? Certainly not me...

Of course, it's still a porn game so it's also planned that if you push for it you can get basically any of the girls to engage in lesbian type stuff, which does complicate my plan for the portrayal of bisexuality, but I'll tackle that at a later date.


I hope the time where we can collar someone comes soon!

Also, please let us give Logan some love! Doesn't have to be with Akemi or Hikari, but why not with one of the second year girls? Just imagine, someone does something bad, and you offer them the out of going out with Logan to not be punished. It'd be hilarious for the dude to be happy, without registering the implication that being with him counts as a punishment haha

Heh, I've gotta admit this is a first xD. Nobody tends to want Logan to get anyone, mostly because of how he is. Admittedly, he's probably not gonna end up with any of the existing characters, but that's not to say a character won't be introduced specifically for him, who won't stick around long enough for the player to really get attached. No current plans, but I think if he were to end up with someone, it would have to be someone the player hasn't had any opportunity to become attached to.

Also, you can actually collar both Sasha and Riley by the end of 0.22, so we're getting there ;D

Hi, I know in the intro you warned about scrolling forward causing issues. I noticed that I may have incurred a flickering in overlay (like when the onion is found, screen flickering to black background)

It may be an artifact of my graphics card, its drivers, or that I maxed out VRAM usage in the settings.

Oh that's not about the scrolling, that is a graphical issue relating to alpha masks, which are only used in the game for the onion animation.

One potential fix though, press shift-G in game, and change the renderer to angle2. After that, close the game and try again. I've heard this fixes it in most cases, but I'm unsure what other effects it has. The flickering issue is unfortunately hardware specific as far as I know. 

I believe it is either caused by incompatibility on the graphics side with Ren’Py.This is unlikely, IMO, unless you approached the overlay differently than other people have, as I don’t see the same artifact in their animations, and they certainly use animated overlays and containing alpha.

Alternately, I noticed that this issue was emergent; for the first 6 or 7 onions it was fine, then started to be an issue. This points to it being a garbage collection or memory issue. Thinking back through the use leading up to the behavior, I did review the onion images a number of times. Moreover, when it started to happen on the 8th onion, I scrolled back before the onion to the phone and the onion was still flashing and animating which seems to indicate a possible scripting issue, I think with triggered events.

Thank you for the workaround though, I’ll keep it in mind.

Hmmm, an interesting problem. I have only ever had this reported when it comes to alpha masks for videos, but generally speaking the difference is that you either have one, or you don't. It's possible that the actual file format of the video makes a difference. I'm using webm, so maybe it makes a difference for mp4 or something along those lines. I don't get these issues at all though so it's quite hard for me to test.

Ren'Py is meant to handle garbage collection by itself, and unfortunately doesn't have a massive amount of tools to debug something like that, but what I may do in future to avoid this is just create an ATL version of the same animation (Basically a simple version that can be played as an alternative) that people can swap to if they start to get issues with the animation on their system. It's one of those things I could probably pour 20 hours into and not fix, so instead I think I'll just make a setting to allow people who get the issue to essentially disable it. I'll likely do that for 0.23. Thanks for the report, and I hope that aside from the flashing issue that you've been enjoying the game so far.

Yeah, it’s been an interesting take, given the disparate paths for content.

One interesting thing I noticed that pointed to some sort of memory issue (though likely not exclusively garbage collection) is that, since the emergence of the flashing to black background on the onions, there has also been a sing flash to a girl’s static picture, in a pose from earlier, near the beginning of a sex scene with said girl. Though Python doesn’t handle these the same way it seems like a single frame during playback is referencing the incorrect memory location. I’ll follow up in your discord if I can localize ift for you.

When you say near the beginning of sex scenes, they wouldn't happen to be right as an animation of some sort starts, would they? Usually that's a case of the video being called, but not actually loading immediately, resulting in it removing the current image and showing the one below for a brief moment before the animation starts. Ren'Py isn't great at playing video, but I hear there's some new updates out that help with that, so I'm looking into converting it at the moment.

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i get this in a lot of games. i always thought of it as if the frame hadnt unloaded, and was still in the background (kinda how gifs can be layered in the background), which then flicks up on screen when loading a new scene takes more than a split second 


Haunted jail part killed the game for me 


too bad their is still no android


Turns out there's actually a 2GB limit on android builds, so I straight up can't do it. I do hear that joiplay works though. I may still make a version for android at some point, but you'd have to use joiplay for it to work.




Rpa is the only way to solve the 2gb limit its still useful ask zanith or f lord they help u how to or in youtube there tutorial on it

The 14th onion in the hallway with Akemi and Hikari isn't showing up and i know i don't have the picture


Yep, there's a bug with that one at the moment, but it's fixed in the version being released in a week (Which also gives players the ability to unlock all onions at the end in addition to scenes)

I wouldn't worry too much though, that particular onion isn't that spicy.


Are there any plans or possibility to make the MC a choosable option. The already installed mc or a futa variant for those who prefer futa/fem characters?


Hi there. Currently no, and to be honest it's very unlikely, mostly because I'm personally not into futa stuff, and it's hard to motivate yourself to make content you're uninterested in. (That's ignoring the significant increase in work that'd require.)

Hopefully this isn't a dealbreaker for you, but if it is, I understand.

First things first:
Found your game through the Dev from Stray Incubus.
I haven't played long but TAKESHIS CASTLE?!

Already in love!
Oh and the animation in the background at the beginning? SICK


Heh, glad you like what you've played so far. Flynn is a good guy. Like how my characters have shown up in his game, at some point some of his will be showing up in mine, so that'll be fun. (Not yet though. Flynn works waaaaay faster than me. I can't keep up lmao)

agree'd. the intro animation would perfectly suit my pc as a screensaver right now


Hello Mr. (or Ms.) Atemsiel. I have just finished playing your game and i gotta say i really enjoyed it. This kind of game where the story can change drastically based on your choices is one of my favorite types of games. Specially if there are delayed consequences to your choices, so you can't just try out all of the alternatives and see everything. It really makes you think what the possible consequences of making a choice could be. It's really fun when you come back around for the second time and a completely different interaction happens if you just choose to say something different. But it must be a pain in the ass to write. That said i have some constructive criticism to make. 

The first one is my only problem with the writing so far. I think that Hikari warms up to you a little too fast. Even if you choose the most lovey dovey options for her available i still don't think it makes sense for her personality type. On top of that i specially don't think it makes sense for her to initiate that kiss at the end of her date. For a girl that is so shy and has never had a boyfriend before i don't think it makes sense for her to be this brave and this forward. It kinda took me out of it a little bit.

The second problem is the performance. The perfomance was really poor in most of the scenes with animations. I don't know if this is something you can fix but it looks like the game primarily uses the CPU to handle the 3d graphics, which might be the cause of the bad performance.

And my last problem is with a softlock that can occur. If you end up getting to Sasha's punishment scene and you said to Riley that you don't want to go to the party, no matter how you choose to play out Sasha's punishment the game just breaks. Every time you finish the scene it goes back to the beginning to play out again and it just keeps repeating. The only way i found to get out of it was to go back to a previous save and just tell Riley you want to go to the party.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings! Really excited for the next update!


Heh, glad you liked it. Next update shouldn't be long now. Patrons should get it before the end of the month, so it should show up here about 2 weeks after that. I'll respond to the criticisms because I think they're fair, but I have some things to say about them.

With regard to Hikari, I actually agree with you to a certain extent. The issue I have is that for her actual personality type, writing her totally realistically would mean that you basically get no Hikari content for ages. At its core, this is a fuckfest game, lots of sex scenes, so sometimes I end up having to write things in certain ways to facilitate that. It's a balancing act really. On one hand, it doesn't make too much sense for her (Or any of the other girls) to become interested in MC as quickly as they do, but on the other hand, people will get bored if nothing happens with the girls for ages. Hikari's actions in that scene make a bit more sense if you have the same info I have about the future of the game, but obviously players don't have this, so it can't be used to justify it. The update to update development cycle doesn't help too much with this because it can mean that players following each update will have to wait months for some potential justification, while players in the future playing let's say version 0.9 or 1.0 may not have the same issue, as they'll have access to the full picture right away. Either way, if that was the only writing criticism you had, then I'll take it, Heh. Thanks.

The performance is an odd one. Some of the early scenes I did accidently have multiple videos playing over the top of each other, which I fix in the next version, but the later ones shouldn't have this issue. Unfortunately due to the game being a Ren'Py game, there isn't much I can do to improve performance beyond making sure that only one video is running at a time, because during animated scenes, that's basically all it's doing. Just playing a video file. You could potentially get better results by pressing shift-G in the game and selecting a different renderer option, but it may or may not do anything. Ren'Py is known to be pretty bad at playing video in general, and due to the amount of them that I have (As well as the way it transitions between them), I think it's fair to say that Stormside may have higher recommended specs than most other Ren'Py games. What those specs are though, I have no idea. It's very CPU based though, but that's just Ren'Py in general as far as I can tell.

The softlock. Yeah I just checked and I can see why this happens. Fixed in the next version. Thanks. I don't think I'll have time to make an actual scene for this specific instance, so instead the next day just starts, but if I get time I may make one at some point. I think the overwhelming majority of players do choose to go to the party with Riley though, so I might just sneak it into another version some time if I end up doing it. Though in fairness, the only thing that actually follows Sasha's punishment if you choose not to go to the party with Riley, is the end of the update, so I suppose it's not as though it softlocks you out of the rest of the content of the update, but instead it softlocks you out of that "Thanks for playing blah blah blah" bit at the end. 

Either way, glad you liked what you played so far. 0.22 isn't far off at this point, and is currently the largest update. Somewhere between 15 and 20 animated sex scenes (I haven't updated the gallery yet, so I dunno exactly how many), 5000+ renders, 400+ animations, etc. Should be fun. At least until I hear from the "But why can't we get all the scenes in one playthrough crowd?" again.

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Hello again, thanks for replying! 

In regards to the girls getting interested in the MC too quickly, i didn't find it weird for anyone else except Hikari. For Riley it makes sense since she's had a crush on him for years at this point so it's completely justified. For Cassie i think that her general behavior and her explanation that, she had been hearing about him for a year so she feels as if she'd known for a lot longer, are justification enough. Cassie is just generally very extroverted and easy to get a long with, so i didn't think it was weird. And for Sasha, i just thought she was a bit of weirdo so i didn't think about it too much. Hikari was the only one that rubbed me the wrong way.

A suggestion i have to deal with this (although it might be too late for that) is to make her relationship with the main character non-linear. As in, it starts slow at first but as soon as things get romantic/sexual it goes a lot quicker. I think it makes sense for her to be slow to trust people at first but get attached very quickly.

Also i had some questions i wanted to ask.

What was the correct typing of the ghost? I guessed 4B because it split up Sasha and I using an illusion, type 4. And it let itself be seen many times before it tried to attack, category B. But judging by the ending i got i guess i was wrong. So it left me wondering what the correct type was.

Will it actually be possible to achieve a game over state where you are replaced by Professor Brown as the magistrate? During the few punishment scenes that is something the main character keeps mentioning, so i assumed it was kind of a nudge to the player "you might not want to be too lenient cause the threats of being replaced aren't just threats you know". I wonder if it will be possible to continue being too lenient and eventually get a game over or if you'd rather force the player to be more strict so that doesn't happen.

Will there be any benefit to telling Cassie that she can't mess around with Riley? She asks that question no matter what route you choose at the beginning so i imagine it has long standing consequences. And although i did get every scene at the end, on my main playthrough i said no just because i thought to myself "the game probably wants me to say yes so i will say no". Will there be any scenes or maybe unique dialog that is a consequence of saying no to this?

And lastly, did you use google translate for the japanese in the few scenes where Akemi and Hikari are talking alone? I know a little bit of japanese and although the japanese text doesn't stay for very long it sounded kind of unnatural. Not something that an actual japanese person would write. 

Howdy. Yeah, it's a bit late to make changes to Hikari's stuff, but that's ok. With her I'm hoping that her quick interest will start to make more sense as you learn more about her, but obviously with the fact that people get to play the game as it's being made, every now and then there'll be times where things will appear unintentional because there's no explanation for them currently in the game. I guess we'll see.

I haven't actually revealed the correct type of ghost anywhere. It's not even in the game files. What I will say is that there's no difference to the actual end of the ghost hunt regardless of whether you get it wrong or right, so there's truly no way to know at this stage. (The only difference is that the actual kill animation is different depending on what type you pick, as different chemicals produce different coloured flames. My personal favourite is the magnesium one.)
The actual consequence for getting it wrong isn't planned to have massively negative effects, so I wouldn't worry about it too much if you got it wrong. Whether you did or not will be revealed after the update containing the consequences. Nice logic though. That whole section has been very divisive, and many players aren't even able to navigate it, much less actually try to take a real guess at what the ghost is. Unfortunately, fixing the navigation would basically mean redoing it, at the expense of new content, so instead I've made a VN version of it for the next update that players can pick if they want to basically experience the ghost hunt, but with the game itself controlling which room you go into, and where you shine the light.

No, I have no plans to actually let Professor Brown or Logan become the Magistrate at the moment. Even if I do make it possible, under no circumstances are either of them to be allowed to actually get their hands on the girls, partially because my core audience hates that sort of thing, and partially because I just don't want it to happen. I do like to tease consequences though. I don't really want to include game overs because in my mind they're a bit pointless in a game like this. It just forces a player to reload a save and do things differently, which I'm hoping they'll do just to see everything, rather than being forced to due to a game over. Additionally, I don't want to force players to do punishments if they're not interested in that. Punishing the girls primarily changes your character dynamic with them, but the effects of doing so will start to become more apparent later in the game.
Telling Cassie not to mess with Riley is only really there as a choice for players who don't want to see lesbian content. You'll end up getting the choice for basically every combination of girls, because maybe some people want Riley for themselves, but would be fine letting Cassie and Taliya play or something. Hell, in the next update, there's even a way to tell Cassie she can play with Riley, but tell Riley she can't play with Cassie, which will result in Cassie getting rejected and being confused next time she tries something. The choice does affect dialogue in many cases as well, but it's primarily there as a lesbian content toggle, per character combination. If you wanna see lesbian stuff, there's no reason not to allow it. While the game will branch a bunch, there'll be no weird stuff like an ending where Cassie steals all the girls or whatever.

Yep, all that Japanese is just google translate, specifically because I knew it was only gonna appear very briefly, and while it was possible that someone might actually read it and notice that it's super unnatural, it wasn't really worth the time for me to get it properly translated. The fact that you're the first person to ever actually mention it kinda proves my point xD. I do change some of them sometimes to remove unnecessary watashis or whatever, but it depends on time. Some of them are just outright wrong. I think there's one somewhere where the English line is something like "He quickly warmed up to the idea." and I just slapped it in google translate and ended up with "He quickly understood the concept of heating" or something. Considering there are 4 different versions of that conversation, and all the new lines have to be done manually due to how the effect works, I just decided that drawing out the process further by making sure all the translations were accurate and natural would have been a poor use of time.

Despite this, non English languages in general are something I aim to represent well, but for some of them that isn't possible at the moment. (For example, for a side character I have coming in future updates, I'd need professional Indonesian translation for her dialogue, but I don't have access to that yet. Translation can get expensive.) I still like to include characters from various places though, as part of their actual character, rather than just so I can say "I have a Japanese character. She's a ninja, because of course she is."

Sasha for example isn't meant to be a Russian caricature who drinks loads of vodka and has a pet bear or whatever. She just happens to be Russian, and I'm hoping some of the her more Russian traits her will shine through over time without them being just stereotypical traits. Little mannerisms and things. (Let's ignore the fact that she accidentally calls "hypothermia", "hippophobia" despite hypothermia being basically the same word in both languages. I just did that for fun.)
Luckily for me, I have a Russian guy in my Discord who's super helpful when it comes to making Sasha sound more natural, as well as educating me on various Russian culture topics that I can use for her character. For example, the ghost guide that she wrote for the player uses British English. This is because apparently when Russians are taught English in any official capacity like school or whatever, they're taught British English rather than American English. Self taught Russians may learn American English as it's a lot more common in media, so whether or not someone uses British or American spelling may give a bit of a hint as to how they learned English. Sasha uses British, so it implies that either she learned her English in school, or that she copied that guide from someone who did. The latter being the more likely of the two, as the English in the ghost guide doesn't include as many English mistakes as Sasha makes, so it's likely that it's something she copied from somewhere, possibly something her mother wrote once. Obviously, this is unimportant to the plot, and I doubt anyone will really notice, but that's fine. I like little things like this.

I may go back and make the Japanese statements more correct at some point, but it's more likely that I'll address the length of them, because they're kinda supposed to be roughly the same length as the English sentences, so that the translation effect applies properly. Otherwise it looks a bit odd. In hindsight, I could have just made a random kanji generator and have it match the English characters exactly, which is similar to something I use in the next update, but I decided instead to have them at least be kind of the right sentences. The effect is purely there to show that their conversation is taking place in another language, but the player needs to be able to understand it. (Which isn't always the case. If a non English language isn't translated in game, and a character doesn't then tell MC what was said, it means it wasn't important enough for the player to need to know.)

I really appreciate you adding a VN version of the ghost hunt. I don't really like horror stuff but i didn't want to skip it so i was shitting my pants the entire time. I did find the navigation confusing but it wasn't too bad. I just meant i had to look at the map after every step until i got my bearings and could go where i wanted without needing to check the map.

I don't find it surprising that nobody noticed the japanese stuff, this is the kinda bullshit that only really i notice. I am really detail oriented so i look for this kind of stuff almost unconsciously. Another example of some bullshit detail that i noticed and i doubt any one else has, is that, in the scene where Riley goes to the sex shop alone the sound effect of Raven's footsteps don't match what she's wearing. It sounds like she's wearing high heels but when she turns around the corner she's wearing sneakers. I just sat there looking at her shoes thinking "why would you deceive me like this?" but i recognize i doesn't actually matter so it's not that big of a deal. 

Also at the very end of the update, unless the ghost is staring at you from a closet inside the room,  i'm pretty sure the positioning of the bed in the room is incorrect. The bed is touching the left wall with the foot of the bed facing the door, which is not how it was positioned in the previous scene.

Actually, whoever's watching them at the end is doing so from outside the window, so the the door is just to the left of the bed, but it's obscured by the curtains. If you reject Riley, it will show you a different animation that kinda shows it a bit more. (But don't reject Riley because that would make her sad, and she's best girl.)



Not officially at the moment, but I've bumped it up in my priority list, and I'm hoping to be able to release 0.22 as an android version when it comes out. (Not guaranteed. I haven't finished making the content for the update yet)

is this one girl kinda deal or an harem?


Full harem, but with solo routes technically supported. (Though playing the game for solo routes will massively decrease the amount of content you get, even when the game is eventually finished. It's designed to be a harem game primarily.)

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Sorry this may be a stupid question, but which download is the optimal download? There are so many. Windows is what I am on. Thanks!

Edit: Nevermind hahaha read the patch post.

Heh, yeah, there's quite a few downloads because people requested different file hosts, and the game is too big to have itch host it. Hope you like it now that you've find your right link.

(2 edits)

First nice game love it second fuck and sasha you need to make horror games to holy shit you legit dont know whats about to happen im saying like this cause i dont want to spoil it but hint for those who cant find the key. Gamers never look up all i can say

Ahaa, I'll assume that means some of the jumpscares got you ;)

Glad you like it. More to come. Thanks for the kind words.

Sir Atemsiel, when will we get a Mobile version for this? I wanted to continue playing this but... my laptop broke T_T

I've got no money to buy a new one for now... So I'm curious when this will have a mobile version since I only have a gaming phone.


I'm not currently working on an official mobile version, since it's taking enough time already just to make the regular version of the game. (Might become a possibility if I get to go full time at some point).

However, I've heard reports that the game does work with joiplay, and that some people have used that successfully to play through the whole game on mobile. I haven't tried it myself, so I'll just paste below what one of these people said on my Discord.

"Hey it does run! To whoever is reading this and unable to run the game on Joiplay (crashes during startup), check if Joiplay and the Renpy plug-in is up to date. The app on Google Play was last updated 2 years ago, so go grab both the app and the plugin on Joiplay official website or Patreon."

Hopefully this gives you enough info to get it working :D

Thank you for replying~!

Hmm, I might try this Joiplay thing. Not sure how to use it though since I'm not very familiar with it...


All I did was download the Windows version of Stormside and then extracted the file while putting it in the "Downloads" folder. 

The next thing I did was to download Joiplay and the Renp'y Plug-in for Joiplay.

After that, I opened the Joiplay app, clicked the "+" symbol, clicked the "Downloads" folder, clicked the Stormside Game File, and then, voila~! I accepted this and that AND FINALLY~! I CAN PLAY THE GAME ON MOBILE NOWWWWW~! WOOOHOOOOO

Thank god you told me about this sir/mam. I wouldn't be able to continue my journey in your amazing AVN if you didn't tell me about Joiplay T_T

Well, that's all for me. Imma become a Patreon of yours along with some of my other favorites Honey Select Devs when the time comes. (I'm poor for now and saving for a new laptop T_T)

Extra Note: I hope my comment can also hep some of y'all if you're in a similar situation to mine.


Hehe, great news. If you get any crashes or whatever feel free to let me know. I don't really test or make the game for mobile, so I don't know what issues you might face, but we'll see. (If you make it to the ghost hunt, make sure you save before, because I can't really work out how it would be playable on mobile, but it's skippable)

Speaking of, I don't know how far through you are, but if you haven't got to the conversation at the cafe yet, just know that there's an error there which will mention something about sayer waitress. Just press ignore on this error. It's fixed in 0.22 (When that comes out)

Recommended, give it a try!


Many thanks, glad you like it :D

(2 edits)

Why doesn't it work in Joiplay? 

From what I understand, it does work, but you need to have the latest version of joiplay, as well as the renpy plugin. Apparently the version on the google store is 2 years old. 

I haven't tested joiplay or any mobile builds in general, so I don't know how well it works. This is just what someone in my Discord has told me.

Hi, good game so far, but I can't find the key to the metal door in the ghost hunt... pretty hard, and impossible to get out of the sandbox once inside... Can someone give me the EXACT location of the key, it's been 2hour searching with "far / near / above /burn and I'm tired of this game...

(1 edit) This walkthrough explains and shows exactly where the key is, but it only spawns after you tell the ghost its name. (Check the map for the exact location)

Somewhat unrelated though, but one of the reasons I get the game to tell people to save before the ghost hunt starts, is so that they can reload that save if they get stuck and wanna skip it. Skipping the ghost hunt has no consequences aside from currently making it impossible to unlock the hidden images for it, but that'll likely be changing in future.

A good game.

Shorter than I expected with the size but I guess that's all the sound effects.

I really liked the animations. Ghost hunt was well done. When the ghosthands were first introduced I thought it might be just a sex thing, having a lot of hands all over the girls; which to be honest would have been a disappointment, glad that wasn't the case. So far I've enjoyed the game a lot. I have to ask, with all the outfit unlocks(couple of them had double notifications by the way, might want to check that), are you planning to make this into a sandbox in the future? Also, that scene your PC couldn't handle; I'm just curious, what was so special about it?

Oh, I did like the inclusion of different languages. The Matsuda sisters' conversation in particular, text transformation was very smooth. Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

Anyway, I look forward to the future of your game, keep up the good work!

(3 edits)

Glad you liked it. A lot of the filesize does come from the audio, but most of it comes from images. Since the girls facial expressions change pretty frequently, it adds up. In this case, they're not just an image of a facial expression, they're whole renders. Mostly because when I first started making the game, I hadn't really considered filesize becoming an issue, and to fix it now would mean cutting faces out of literally thousands of renders. It would take weeks lol. Animations are another thing that takes up a bunch of space, but there's no way around that really without dropping the quality. Depending on how you played it, it's possible there's a bunch of animations you didn't see. I figure I'll just have to seperate releases into chapters or something in future instead of just having one massive game, because otherwise by the time this thing is finished, it's gonna be like 50GB.

If you already kinda figured all that then one other reason the game might seem sort for the filesize is the branching. Unless you went back and played the game multiple ways, there are whole scenes you won't have seen. I don't mean just gallery scenes either. I won't go into detail here but yeah, that's another thing which increases the size. It really is intended for multiple playthroughs, but not yet. I'm developing it with what it will be when it's done, rather than what it will be when the next version is done. I get pretty mixed feedback on that fact, but that's ok.

It was originally planned to be a sandbox once they got to the academy, but I scrapped the idea because I didn't want the scope to run away from my capabilities. I figured it was safer for the longevity of the project for me to make it a standard VN. I did still want to include sandbox aspects though, which is why the ghost hunt is the way it is. There's another one planned which I'm hoping to be a larger, more in depth version of the first one. (As in, same concept, but new location and story, with new stuff like more events, a ghost that actually moves, etc)

 It was super fun to make, but I think I'd get burned out pretty quick if I tried making a whole sandbox game, rather than just a section.

The outfits are there mostly as just a dumb collectable, and don't currently do anything. They were originally supposed to give you a way to pick your favourites of each category, and it would increase the chance that a character would wear that outfit in the main game, but this was back during the sandbox plan, and has since been scrapped. I'd love to do it still, but the amount of work it would take, vs how much it would actually matter, just isn't worth it. Also, I'm aware of the double notification thing, if you're referring to when you load a save and the notification goes nuts. It's definitely a bug, but I'm not sure why it happens, and haven't yet put the time into working it out, since it's very minor. If you're talking about multiple notifications at once, if they're for the same outfit then yes that's a bug (Though not one I'm aware of). If they're for different outfits, there are a few points in the game where you unlock multiple outifts at the same time, and so it could just be that.

The scene that my PC died on is a strange one. There's nothing particularly special about it, it's just a conversation between Kellin, Akemi, Olivia and Taliya that takes place in the dorm common room. No clue why my PC seems to dislike that scene specifically, but my GPU is a 7 year old 980ti which has seen almost daily use for those 7 years, so I'm surprised it still works. I figure since it's not that important of a scene, I'll just fix it when I can, and people can make do with my incredible MS paint skills for now. It wasn't worth delaying the 0.21 release over imo.

Glad you like the translation effect. Foreign languages (Well, foreign to me) are something I wanted to try to do in a somewhat specific way. I wanted to simulate the fact that MC doesn't speak these languages, by banking on the fact that the player most likely doesn't either. Or at least not both of them. As such, I don't provide translations most of the time. If what's said is something important enough that MC should know, he'll just ask the girl to tell him what they meant. (Just as you might if you had a partner who's native language you didn't speak.)  

However, because it's implied that MC would be hearing the words they're saying, he would at least hear the sounds the words make, which is why I provide the romanization for the words as well, since most people who don't speak Russian or Japanese aren't gonna know what all the cyrillic or kana characters sound like. Silly detail really, but I like silly little details. 

The exception to this is when it's important that the player knows what's being said, and either isn't present, or it's an entire conversation which isn't practical to have a character translate to MC, such as with the Akemi/Hikari talk scene. (There's 4 different versions of that scene btw, depending on what happened to Hikari :D) For scenes like that, the translation effect is used to imply the conversation is taking place in a language other than English. (One guy thought it was an MTL bug lmao) 

I really didn't wanna just put "*In Japanese*" at the start of each sentence. I'm British, and I don't speak either language myself, though bits and pieces of both. 

I'll most likely be using the translation effect for Sasha later on as well, because I have plans for her which will necessitate full Russian conversation. Sasha's overall story is probably my favourite out of the girls, even though Riley is best girl.

I'm glad you decided to go with the normal VN route, I much prefer those to sandboxes. I mean, I personally don't mind the size, as long it's properly downloadable(i.e. not on Mega), could be 100GB for all I care, though that would be problematic for you, obviously, and your mobile users will be screaming. So do what you have to do(except cutting stuff).

In regards to outfit notifications, yes there were for the same ones(I was doing thorough rollbacking to confirm). I remember there were 2 cases, one of them I believe was during Riley and Cassie at your home scene, so there were 3 total lines of text, don't recall the other occurrence.

I forgot to ask; with the full course students arriving in the following week, will they be included in the story?

Lastly, are names for saves something people have been asking for? For me personally it's quite annoying. Just extra unnecessary clicks. I can already see what scene it is so I don't see what the point of naming saves would be. Might be just me though.

I'll take a look to see what's up with the outfit thing. Ultimately, I want to replace them with different animations. What you see in game is basically a placeholder system that stuck. Dunno when I'll get time to do it, so right now replacing it, and/or fixing the bug relating to the notifications is a fairly low priority. I've put it on the list though. Thanks.

In the next update, the 2nd year students will be showing up. They're mostly background characters meant for the purpose of populating the academy a bit more, but I do plan some scenes with them, as well as some characterisation, just not to the same extent as the main 7. I'm trying to make sure this doesn't become one of those games with 30 different girls, and maybe only a couple of them ever end up getting fleshed out. That said...

There are a couple of other girls who will be joining the story after a while, but I don't expect them to show up in the next update. Most likely the one after that. These girls are technically side girls, but they're side girls who have significance in the stories of some of the main girls, so they'll be joining the story as actual characters, who will most likely get places in the profile screen, even though they won't have as much content or attention as the main 7.

Named saves are something that was asked for a bunch. Mainly because of how much the story branches and/or is planned to branch. However, I do plan to put on a toggle for it in the next update. 
Most people who wanted named saves said it was because they didn't want to have to play though the whole game again to unlock everything, so they needed the named saves to keep track of key choices so they could unlock all the scenes. The gallery unlock is a very recent addition. Even though it does unlock all scenes, it doesn't unlock the build up to those scenes. Regardless of their reasons, yeah it was a popular request, so I put it in, I just forgot to make it optional at the time. It's on the list.

With regard to download size restrictions, I'll probably look at getting Gdrive set up as a proper secondary host for the game. I was impressed by how quickly the game uploaded to it. I'll still use mega as my primary since most people seem to have no issue with that, but it can't hurt to have Gdrive as another option. $2/month for 100gb of storage seems fine for me as long as they don't impose some kind of download limit.

I see. Thank you for all the info.




Could you upload it somewhere other than Mega?

(1 edit) (+1)

I can do at some point tomorrow, but this will likely be the last version I can do that for. The only other one I trust is google drive, and they have a limit of 15gb unless I pay for it. Already paying for mega, so that's my primary. Out of interest, what's the reason mega doesn't work for you?
To be clear though, there are mirrors on f95 if you're on there. I didn't put them there, but I'm lead to believe it's the same content.


Size download limit.

(1 edit) (+1)

Huh, interesting. As it happens, I share my bandwidth from Mega so in theory people shouldn't be affected by download limits. Regardless, I'm uploading 0.21.02 to google drive at the moment, so I'll post links here once it's done. Probably an hour or so.

Was quicker than expected. Gdrive links are up.

Thank you!

not sure if its a bug or something, but the onion thats supposedly in the area when talking to Akemi and Hikari isnt where it says its supposed to be in the walkthrough. 

(2 edits)

Yep, it does seem to be there, it's out of focus, and hard to spot, but it's there. It's just to the right of where Akemi stands while she's on the phone, partially obscured by the door frame. (Unless it's a bug. It unlocks an onsen type picture, so check to see if you've already unlocked it I guess.)

Will you be porting this to Android at all?

I don't currently have any plans to, but this is mainly because people seem to do it for me. I think there's an android version of 0.2 floating around on the internet at the moment, but I don't know how well it works. I'm not really sure how well 0.21 would work on android even if I did port it, given the nature of one of the sections in it, but if I find out there's a 0.21 port somewhere, I'll link it here. (Assuming I can verify it doesn't contain malware or whatever)


cant we have an official one made by you , it will be much appreciated

Maybe at some point, but it's not a focus. It's not as simple as just pressing the "build android version" button. There are whole sections which would most likely need to be reworked, and a bunch of screens that would need to be redone. I will say though that if I ever get to the point where I'm making enough from this to go full time, I'd probably hire someone to do it.


Please port this game for android thanks

works on joiplay. thats better then small resolution android port :3

Which link do I download for JoiPlay?

Awesome. But is there a walk through?

There is actually, but only up until the start of 0.21. Here's a link to it. (It's not made by me, and is unofficial, but accurate. It was made by Vashaldias on F95.)

For questions or help specific to 0.21, there's usually someone in the discord who will know the answer. (Most of the time, me, but there are a few people who know the game kinda in and out there.)

I am about to head the uni. I was curious can you turn Cassie or Riley submissive yet?

(1 edit)

Not yet. Next update is coming near the end of January (For the patreon guys. Will be released here for the public 2 weeks later), and that update starts that kinda thing for Riley if the player chooses to go in that direction. Cassie's stuff comes in the update after that most likely. Cassie got quite a lot of attention early on, so she isn't featured too much in the next update. It's mostly Riley and Sasha.

So I noticed that bout Cassie. I kinda thought it would been Riley. But so far enjoying it. oh yea just wanted say Olivia reminds of the Headmaster AVN, Donna Peterson both think they are above everybody

Riley is admittedly my favourite, so I did want to make content for her, but since the game works chronologically, her story doesn't really start until the dates covered in the next update. Luckily, this does mean that she has scenes in the next update, all of which involve the player in some way.

Cassie's story hasn't really started yet either, but she's definitely less shy than Riley is, so she got featured a bit more heavily early on. I kinda want to let the player give the girls a reason to fall for him before they actually do, and so most of the girls content doesn't start properly until their stories start. The exception to this is Cassie though, who kinda just decided she liked MC the first time they actually met. She a hoe though, but a loyal one.

Just curious but Olivia and Akemi are they lying bout we cann't punish them?


It's been confirmed in the game that Olivia isn't lying at the moment. As for Akemi, well that would be telling, wouldn't it? xD
Her whole thing will be addressed in future updates, most likely 0.22

Hi. I've come across a bug or something. At the end of the conversation between Hikari and Akemi right before Hikari gets her 1st punishment, the game crashes and completely closes out.

This bug usually affects some AMD GPUs. I have a fix for it, but forgot to apply it to the offending transition in the part of the game you talk about, so I'll be fixing it in 0.21

In the meantime, press shift-g in the game, and change the renderer to ANGLE2, then relaunch the game. This fixes the problem for most people. (Let me know if that works)

Sory for late reply. There was no notification for some reason.

Worked great, thank you.

Glad to hear it, hope you enjoy the game :D

when one selects the path where Cassie has no sexual relationship with Riley quite a lot of the story is skipped in "3) DormChat1.rpy" label dormchat1_dildo1:

in line 546 dormchat_dildoL is called but that's a function w/o return and it is not pssible to see Riley thinking about masturbating and sex toys.

the variable HikariPush is always false - does not really change the plot but you should change it in 2) Hikari Punishment1.rpy around line 560 to "$ HikariPush = True"

(3 edits) (+1)

Dammmn :D doing my job for me, thanks. I'll take a look into these. That scene that gets skipped is supposed to establish that Riley is shitty at getting herself off, so I definitely wanna fix that asap.
There was an issue recently with the return stack, so it probably got busted by that. I'm hoping to release a patch either tonight or tomorrow that addresses quite a few bugs, so I'll fix it in that. (Suddenly got a jump in players, and naturally, bug reports.)

Already fixed the HikariPush one though for the patch. Very quick fix since you told me exactly where to find it in my shitty code xD

Both issues fixed and going into the next version, as well as a patch I'm releasing soon to fix a bunch of stuff. Thanks for the report.

Great game! I'm a sucker for player choice, so I loved it!

I've got a question though, regarding the Magistrate role. It's said that there are second year students due to arrive, does that mean they were supervised by a previous Magistrate in Stormside? Or is all this system just now being put in place and they got to study a year for basically free? Kinda curious about that.


There's only one Magistrate. The system is new for the year the game takes place in, so previously the now second year students would have faced higher fees (Lowered now, due to the GATDAM system)

Admittedly, I just made that up. I hadn't really thought about the financial situation of the second year students. They're intended mostly as background characters so the academy has more than 7 girls in it. They may have some scenes, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

(4 edits)

Heya, bug report! When you get to the basement, and Akemi messages you, you can't see any of the texts you or her send during that conversation. You still get a choice in between them, and then the game progresses as normal (far as I can tell). EDIT: After the next choice, if you go and check the message app, you can read the conversation.  EDIT 2:  Oh, but then if you close the phone, the messages actually stay on screen lol, defo should look some into it. 

Ah yes, this has been reported before. It's not clear why it's happening, but I think I know how to fix it (So I'll be patching it soon.) Typical of course that I can't reproduce it on my saves at all. If you know how to enable the console in Ren'Py, you can do that and then run the commands below. (Exactly as written. Case sensitive. Do it while the phone is open and the messages should pop up)

hide screen AkemiMessages

show screen AkemiMessages

Olivia is such an unlikable character, not that she's meant to be likable but damn, lol. Karma hitting her like a sack of bricks is going to be satisfying to see.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hehe, yeah she's basically rage bait. There are plans for her beyond this, but I'm expecting most people won't treat her very kindly xD

Will be interesting to see how her redemption arc goes. Until then seems MC is full time Magistrar part time brat tamer lol.

Looking forward to future updates!

I just met Olivia, I see why you dont like her. She already on my shit for messing with Riley and Cassie..

Hah, yeah. She leaves a hell of an impression, that's for sure.  Will be a night and day difference in behavior some day

If you play the Headmaster, she reminds of Donna Peterson..

any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 

Nothing yet, but there's a character called Olivia who will most likely have content like this as an option. 

(2 edits) (+1)

can you make version 0.11 downloadable in itch io

If you mean on the app, I need itch to increase my upload limit first. There's a 1GB limit for files. 0.11 is more that 1GB. I'm working on it.

when will it be done?

is it done yet?

I'm waiting to hear back from itch. To get a higher limit for uploads, I had to email them. I don't know how long they take to respond, but they haven't responded yet.

ah ok

done yet its like a long day ago

its like a week pls make it downloadable

It's out of my control. I can't do anything until itch respond to my support ticket.

when will version 0.11 be free?

0.11 will be wrapped up into 0.2 along with 0.12 which it's replacing the paid version later today.

0.2 will then be released for free once it's complete but I'm not 100% sure when that'll be. (IRL job gets in the way sometimes)

This will be explained properly in a development log later today when I'm back at my computer.

Is it possible to make this game downloadable on the app?

Done, I didn't actually know about the app lol. Turns out it was because the downloads were hosted on mega and not on itch. I've put a copy of the public version on itch so now they'll work on the app. Just be sure to select the relevant "(Itch hosted)" file.

Unfortunately I can't make the early access version available on there just yet as I'm currently still affected by the 1gb limit on file uploads. As soon as I can get that overturned, I'll start moving the files to itch hosted for better compatibility.

Alright! Thank you.

really nice! not bad at all, enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to future updates

Thanks man, I appreciate that. :D

Does this work with joiplay?

No idea. My phone apparently has too high of a version of android to run joiplay, so I can't test it. This version is free though so you could try it and see if you wanted. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks man, I try to make to make the animated scenes as interesting as I can. :D I'm hoping to upgrade my computer at some point so I can get smoother animations with the liquid (And increase quantity where needed)

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